Monday, September 9, 2013

Flanders and Brooks Tie For First in September G/10 Blitz

Alex Jentsch (left) in a K+P endgame vs. Ken Pagenkopf
A tense battle between Josh Fiebig (left) and Joe Hernandez in the last round.
Congratulations to Jason Flanders and Wade Brooks who tied for first in the September 9 G/10 Blitz tournament, each with a 4-1 score.  Once again, Joe Hernandez and Steve Etzel tied for second with a 3.5 points each.

A total of 13 players participated in this free, non-rated event, which was held at the Java Dock cafe in Port Washington.  There was a nice mix of younger and more experienced players. Tom Hudson once again served as Tournament Director.

Final standings and the tournament crosstable can be found here:

Participants also received partial credit in the 2013 ORCA Grand Prix contest.  For current standings, click here:

The ORCA Grand Prix system awards points for both performance and participation.

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